We specialize in business + intellectual property law, providing accessible legal representation and culturally relevant legal education. Here’s how we do it -
Contract templates
Coming soon. Contracts on demand, delivered to you immediately. We draft clear, enforceable contracts you can customize.
Contract Drafting + Review
In business, contracts are king. A handshake or email won’t cut it anymore. We’ll draft or review contracts that outline your services, protect your intellectual property, and limit liability.
Intellectual Property
Trademark & Copyright Registration
When registered, a trademark is a form of intellectual property with expansive protection rights. It gives you the exclusive rights to use that trademark in connection with your products and services.
A trademark can be a word, name, symbol, phrase, or combination. If you’re selling or promoting (or preparing to sell or promote) a product or service under a certain brand name or logo, you should have a trademark. Without it, another entity can use your brand name or logo for the same products/services.
Trademark Comprehensive Searches,
Opinion Letters,
Preparing and Filing Trademark Applications for Registration
Copyright Assignment Agreements
Cease & Desist Letters
Licensing Agreements
Business Entity Formation Services
Ready to make your side-hustle legitimate? Get your LLC, Corporation, or Non-Profit filed in the State of Illinois. We’ll also draft the organizational documents required and share strategic guidance so that your business maintains its corporate status.
Business Formation – LLCs, Corporations, and Nonprofits
Drafting Operating Agreements, Bylaws, and Articles
Obtaining EIN Number
Annual Report Filing
General Counsel Services
Do you need ongoing legal support? We offer strategic general counsel services, tailored for your company’s needs.
Strategic Business Planning
Legal Advising on Business-Related Matters
Risk Management
Contract Review & Negotiation
Trademark Monitoring Services
Home Health Business Consultation
Comprehensive services for new home care agencies. We strategically position established home care agencies for rapid growth.
State Licensure
Provider Credentialing
IMPACT + GATA Application
Customized Policies + Procedures
Clinical Compliance
Strategic Business Growth Development